Success for Jess Dashner
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Gives Hope
Saving Lives, Impacting Generations
Graduate of House Of Hope New Hampshire
My Testimony, by Jess Dashner
I started drinking alcohol at a young age, and I grew up around it. By the time I went to college I was hanging with older students so they would buy it for me. I got into a relationship and at first it was great. Then he started turning abusive, first emotional and mental, then, towards the end it turned physical, so I was drinking more and more. Towards the end of the relationship I just wanted to give up and I tried hurting and killing myself.
I texted my mom and told her I needed help. She showed up to where I was and told me I had two options, either go into a hospital or move to New Hampshire with my dad. I chose to move with my dad, so I made the journey from Massachusetts to New Hampshire. My sister and her husband told me about House Of Hope NH and I went for the interview and entered into the program on December 11, 2019.
Going into the program I wasn’t a Christian, but I knew who Jesus was. A week later I got saved at our church and Jesus became my Lord and Savior. Going through the program I learned more in depth about who Jesus was, and that I couldn’t do this on my own. I needed to lean onto Jesus everyday because I can’t do it with my own strength. I graduated from the program on November 8, 2020.
By knowing Jesus and going through House Of Hope NH I am able to go through my day without a drink or feeling hopeless. Since graduating I was able to buy a car outright, and get an apartment which all my bills are paid monthly and I don’t need to ask people for help. I know that if I am struggling or having a bad day I can talk and pray to Jesus. My family has even seen a change in my life. Just hearing them say that they are proud of me is a huge accomplishment.
“He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry
clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.”
Psalm 40:2
JESUS gets the Victory and these ladies receive a Life
By having Jesus in my life I have fixed broken relationships with my family that I thought would never be fixed. My sisters trust me too, to babysit their kids and I am present in their lives. They definitely know there is a change in my life and that change is Jesus.
I go back and I volunteer at House Of Hope NH and it brings me joy seeing the ladies go through the program and seeing their lives change, because, I have been there. On October 31, 2023 I celebrated 4 years of being sober from alcohol and it feels great. I have a great support system and my family and church are there for me also.
Without House Of Hope NH my life would be over, But, God left the 99 for the one and I am that one. He brought me out of the darkness and brought me to the light. I have Jesus and House of Hope NH to thank for changing my life and breaking generational curses. ~Jess
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